Halo Reach: Initial Impressions

The game that led me to re-buy an Xbox 360 has been out for a couple of days at this point, and I’ve put in a decent amount of hours on it, so what do I think so far? Well to be fair this review pertains mostly to the online component of the game as I have only played about an hour and a half of the campaign mode, but that is not unusual for me when it comes to first person shooters as I prefer the competition of online multi-player, and so most of this review will be based on that.

One of the coolest new features is armor abilities which replace the one time use abilities of the pick up items in prior games. These new abilities include jetpacks(need I say more), sprinting, a shield dome protecting those inside from outside fire, and a hologram you can send out to distract other players, and more. These abilities can be used as much as you want as long as you allow them the short time to recharge. The online in this game has more possible game modes than I have probably ever seen in a game.  Some of the modes that I can remember off the top of my head are Slayer which is your typical death match where the first person or team to reach the number of kills needed wins the match, you have a few different variations of capture the flag which involves storming the other teams base to take their flag and carry it back to your base. One of my favorite modes which I believe is new to the series is headhunters, in this game type every time someone is killed they leave behind a skull, and you have to collect as many of these skulls as possible and bring them back to a designated place which keeps moving around in order to score points. Another new mode introduced is called Invasion in which you must either take over or defend points from being taken over, and at the end of the round you switch sides to do the opposite, whoever takes over the most points during these rounds ends up winning the match.

Firefight mode which was released in last years ODST has been revamped including the ability to find others online to play with in matchmaking, which was one of the things I complained about in ODST where you were only able to play with those on your friends list. The forge mode from Halo 3 has been reintroduced in a grander scale with lots of customization, I have tried tweaking with it a bit even building myself a castle with towers which was pretty cool, however I have a hard time figuring out how to add objective based items but that’s just my stupidity when it comes to map editing. The game advertises that you can play through the campaign with people you don’t know through the matchmaking system, but this option is nowhere to be found when I look for it, so for now I have to just play with friends if we ever manage to all be on at the same time.

There is a lot of meat to sink your teeth into when it comes the multiplayer, but how does it all stack up? When I played with my brother for a few matches and a few of his friends we got our butts handed to us but I was actually enjoying it. However when I play matches with random folks I feel really alone, and it seems as though most people do their own thing and don’t believe in team work leading to many losses which when compared to a game like Battlefield Bad Company 2 is the total opposite with its squad based play. Another complaint I have about the multi-player system is the matchmaking feature which hasn’t been updated since Halo 2. Call of Duty has this part done right, you pick the type of match you want to play and it hooks you up with others that want to play the same type, where as in this game you pick certain aspects but don’t really get to pick the exact type so you never know what you’re going to end up playing though you can choose to vote it seems that most people are never on the same page when it comes to this as well.

In the end this game can be so much fun when playing with those you know or when you get matched up with people willing to communicate and work together, but most of the time you end up in lone wolf situations and I can’t help feeling like I should just go play Battlefield Bad Company 2 or wait to play this when friends are all online which makes a big difference. I do like the improvements to Firefight, and the armor abilities teach an old dog new tricks and help make old game modes seem new again, but in the end this is the same Halo we’ve been playing for almost a decade, for better or for worse.

Side Note: You will find that most matches you play there will be at least one or two people on either team who quit early into the match, and this game does not allow them to be replaced which can lead to an unfair advantage in a lot of matches. In most games in this genre if someone quits the game will fill the spots in with new players.

Here is a video showing off Multiplayer with Bugie’s designers

One Response to Halo Reach: Initial Impressions

  1. Dbo says:

    I can’t comment on the campaign as I haven’t even had the urge to try it yet…but the multiplayer online….yea I have a tone to say about that. Firstly I will say it is complete and utter trash. To go deeper it’s just so far behind the times, it honestly feels like they brought the exact same system from halo 2 and just tweeked it with no real thought what so ever. I honestly think the fools at Bungee know all the drones out there will buy it and think it’s the greatest thing on earth so why actually put effort into it or change it.

    To start off you can’t even pick what game type or map you wanna play….really?? So I can choose that I want slayer but then I’m forced to play 200 times of slayer matches. And don’t give me that voting garbage because you’ll never win that thing and even if you do it’s prolly a dumb game type. Like……..SNIPERS ONLY!! YESSSS just what i wanted to play!!! getting sniped over and over and over from losers who do nothing but play halo like it’s their goddamn job. I mean what the hell man, can’t I just play team deathmatch with ppl and not worry about these ridiculous stipulations? Then if you quit you get penalized….

    Secondly…WWTTFF is with the damage calculator in this game?? My god man….you have to call in a goddamn nuclear strike just to kill someone. I’ve thrown 2 nades at ppl to get their health down a bit to start out, then laced them with an entire clip from my gun, smacked em in the face with the melee and they STILL won’t die. I do all that just to reload and either…1) die from an assasination or 2) have a teammate finish them off and i get an assist. If you don’t headshot someone in this game forget about it, ur not killin them.

    Third….the “class” system…is 100% laughable. Please…PLEASE do not even mention this in the same sentence as CoD’s class system. Every class pretty much has the same damn starting gun (which is utter trash, it will kill noone) and all you really differ with is the “lb” button manuever which again is ridiculous. u actually have to pick a class to run if you want…like what…these special ops soldiers missed out on the running class during the academy? Or maybe you wanna roll as an elite, or use a completely worthless active camo…ugh the list goes on and on.

    I think the create a color system and the armoury is def cool but come on, I feel like I’m playin Halo 3 all over again. This game gives me no sense of “wow this new game is incredible” it’s just more of the same we’ve been playing for years. Maybe it’s not fair to compare CoD to Halo games but they need to see what Activision/Treyarch has done in making their games and realized they have this shit down to a science. Every game although runs on the same engine upgrades SOOO drastically that you can’t go back to playing the old one because of all the new updates etc. With halo it’s like “okk..I actually had more fun playing halo 1 and 2 then I did these garbage games”. The maps all look and feel the same, not like it used to with blood gultch, creek etc. Those maps were classic. These maps are 100% forgettable.

    Overall I am severely dissapointed with this multiplayer, it is absolutely horrid and the only ppl who will enjoy it are…..1) if you’re a halo fanboy….2) Don’t know what a real multiplayer game is like…3) too young to give a shit….(sorry if I offended anyone but it’s the truth, this game absolutely sucks)

    I agree with ur description of the game is mandatory that you play as a team (mainly because it’s absolutely impossible to kill anyone if you don’t have help) and it is somewhat fun if you can talk to friends while playing. Unfortunately the game isn’t strong enough to warrant a replay value.

    4 Thumbs down for this shit game (online) and i only HOPE that the campaign is where all the thought was put into….


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